Glitches vs. Exploits
Glitches vs. Exploits
Mis à jour 1 year ago par jay_yeen

In this speedgame, we define glitches differently from exploits:

[quote]Exploits are defined as unintended behavior performed using the intended mechanics of the game. Unlike with glitches, there is no malfunction; everything is functioning as intended, just being used in unintended ways.

For example, Water Space Jump (gaining height underwater with Space Jump) is an exploit, not a glitch. Space Jump giving the player more height when rubbing against underwater collision is an intended mechanic built into the game, in order to make Space Jumping across gaps more lenient. Speedrunners can exploit this to continuously gain height up the same wall, sequence breaking the game.

As another example, Water Bomb Jump is considered a glitch. Normally, bomb jumping in the air underwater is only allowed after bomb jumping from the ground. However, when unmorphing after a bomb jump before touching the ground, the game doesn't reset the flag that allows the player to bomb jump in the air underwater, since it only exists on Samus when she's in her morph ball form, not when she's standing. Despite bomb jumping underwater being an intended mechanic, a programming oversight allows the player to carry this flag around after unmorphing.[/quote]

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