Exit Nether%
4 years ago

New category: Exit Nether% You start in the nether (set seed/glitchless or random seed/glitchess) and you need to exit the nether starting in the nether

KilleDragon aiment ceci
Portland, OR, USA

Um how would you start there?

KilleDragon aiment ceci
Ayr, Scotland
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

you could run a command which immediately teleports you to the nether, but you could just end up in a block

KilleDragon aiment ceci
United States

(Opinion) So there's a lot of "getting so and so in the nether before getting so and so in the overworld" "starting in the nether challenges" and popular youtubers trying out speed running right now, but keep in mind, pretty much all of that is for entertainment. A category where you start in the nether just isn't really what speed running Minecraft is all about. I think if you wanted to do this yourself that would be cool and if it gained enough traction within the community then there is a possibility this would have a shot. As of right now though I don't think this is something that should be added

IwerSonsch aiment ceci
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1.19 Categories + Cover Me In Debris

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• Added 1.19 split to All Advancements. • Added 1.19+ split to How Did We Get Here? • Added 1.19+ split to All Wood Logs. • Added 1.19+ split to Kill All Bosses: ‣ Kill the Ender Dragon, a Wither, an Elder Guardian, and a Ward

1 year ago