Current rules make it trivial to cheat
3 years ago

Minecraft Classic saves the map 3 seconds after a block has been edited. It then tries to load that same map if you visit again. This means that you can make a "legit" run, showing the start screen, in a map that you've changed to suit your needs.

Since the spawnpoint is picked randomly between (32,32) and (96,96), it might take a few tries before you spawn where you want, but you can easily get <0.2s times by cheating like this.

Simply require people to show that they clicked the "Generate new level..." menu in their videos.

Generated levels until I found one with a tall mountain, manually built the mountain even higher using dirt, manually added a tree on top, with the top of the tree just below the build limit. Reloaded the page until I spawned on top, got a time of 0.118s.

Generated levels until I found one with exposed iron in the right direction, manually added a beach in front of it so I had as many spawn points as possible that would look directly at it. Reloaded the page until I spawned in front of it, got a time of 0.001s.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Gekki et karalabe aime ceci


If your skilled in reverse-Engineering You can make your world generation funky, I've done this before I mean its not hard for a browser game. I actually had made a TAS Run with this


@Smedgies True. Since it's a browser game, and it exposes it's utility object as a global, it's trivial to hook into it and just overwrite the world all together, or set your spawn point programmatically. Unfortunately there's really no way to detect that happening, just like there's no way to detect a well-made spliced video.


@SpaceByte The wording of the new rule is wrong. It's not the world generation that has to be shown (that shows the same thing whether you load an existing map or generate a new one), it's clicking through the "Generate new level..." menu (which makes sure you're generating a new level).

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago

@birj The problem is that, most people would be reco5ding before runs and For people who use Xbox game Bar Etc. This can be Space Eating, so People might find a problem with this.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
SupaOsprey aiment ceci

@SpaceByte Considering that runs are getting submitted (and verified) without showing it, I still feel like it'd be worth it to explicitly state that clicking through the "Generate new level..." menu must be shown.


@birj changed the rules so people will know that "Generate New Level" is needed in the video

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Regarding pending runs


Hello Classic runners,

Recently, our run queue has gotten a little out of hand, with runs 47 days old still pending. I want to apologize on behalf of the mod team, as that is way too long for runs to be pending.

To be honest, the mods have been really busy with other more important t

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