Any% WIP route (by slayerkid13)
Any% WIP route (by slayerkid13)
Mis à jour 9 years ago par PurpleSun


Harry has the most attack, second most speed, and lowest defence.

Ron has the second most attack, most speed, and second most defence.

Hermione has the lowest attack, lowest speed, and highest defence.

Because of her low attack/speed, Hermione is a bad character choice. It is currently unknown whether Ron or Harry is the better choice, Ron may be slightly better because of the speed advantage, and Harry is still controlled by the game in levels. The movement difference between Ron and Harry is minimal, but it adds up over time.


The text is very fast and can be mashed through, but there are a few text boxes that cannot be mashed past. Italian might be better, but still needs to be tested.


Quidditch World Cup:

Fairly straightforward, no tricks here.

Defence Against the Dark Arts:

Slow level, lots of waiting. No tricks here.

Forbidden Forest:

When an item you can grab with Wingardium Leviosa is behind a burnable bush, you can drag the item through the bush without burning it.

salamanders suck, make sure you stand near the water when fighting them. Due to Wingardium's low movement distance, if you are too far from the water, the salamander will escape, restarting the fight.

Statistiques du jeu
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Start Time Changes

In November, Cosmic found a which can be used throughout the run including in the very first character select of the game where time starts. This new trick made retiming runs harder and more inconsistent so the mod team h

1 month ago