Technical - Partial Act Change Bypass (PACB) Explanation
Technical - Partial Act Change Bypass (PACB) Explanation
Mis à jour 1 year ago par NABN00B

Partial Act Change Bypass (PACB) Explanation

Document by Powdinet

Skipped Missions Explanation

Exact copy of Powdinet's original document

Discord Chat Logs

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 15:54
@NABN00B can you pass accidents will happen while watching the variables and doing the mission pass frame by frame to see when the reni gets the extra +1

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 16:30
does the script version matter?

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 16:30
I hope
also for extra memes, can you give me the contents of the 100-size array $30 right after 1) regular act 2 unlock 2) regular act 3 unlock 3) pacb act 2 unlock) pacb act 3 unlock

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 16:53

frame x Reni 1->2
frame x+1 Reni 2->3
frame x+2 om0

does that help?

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 16:54
that means that for some reason the position refering to the next Reni mission in the $30 array was -999

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 16:56
which Im going to guess is due to Forbes
maybe not Forbes

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 16:59
what is this $30[]?

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 16:59
some control vector for checking missions to skip don't worry about it

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 17:00
it sounds important from what you're writing

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 17:00
it's used during both parts of the act change, setting up what I believe is the mission chaining stuff and the skipping missions part
obviously with pacb, the vector is not reset
so all -999 left there still remain there
and because of pacb, the mission strand targets are also not reset
so basically this array is fucked
but I dunno yet how this messes everything up


Joshimuz — 10/01/2021 17:36
I tested Chapter 2 mission orders to see if anything was skipped. I did every Forbes Mission, then every Lance then Every Uberto and none were skipped. Then I did the reverse (U->L->F) and still none were skipped
So whatever is causing us to skip some missions in Chapter 3 doesn't happen in Chapter 2 (unless it's more complicated than what I tested)


Powdinet — 10/01/2021 18:17
I don't understand why but it seems to be setting this array twice

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 18:31
okay this array manages skipped missions and mission unlocks
each value refers to one mission and it's a counter
I don't really get how it works but when this counter reaches 0 for a mission, it is able to unlock other missions
but since after act 1 most counters are at 0 and pacb doesn't reset them to 1 and then to whatever is required (it skips directly to setup cut mission skips), all of the missions get unlocked
Except Diaz, because act 3 has so many missions that it lands on a section where the counters aren't 0 yet
and because the array isn't reset properly, it keeps writing "skip this mission" traps
Which makes it skip some of the missions in act 3 unless the mission that actually unlocks it is complete (dunno how this last part works either)


Powdinet — 10/01/2021 19:57
it fits perfectly
missions with 19 FC FF FF are marked to be skippable

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 19:59
whats with burning bridges then
does uc dupe skip burning bridges instead of high wire now?

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 20:00
That might be the case
But I think someone tested it and High Wire was still done after UC?
Oh tht's because it's a direct unlock

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 20:06
what does that mean?

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 20:06
Mendez into Mendez
same thing happens in Accidents Will Happen
If Hostile Takeover is complete, going Reni into Reni makes TCC start
the difference is High Wire doesn't need anything else to unlock

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 20:08
why are Diaz missions there twice

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 20:09
There's still things I don't understand but what that image shows is that the things we currently skip should be already the optimal

NABN00B — 10/01/2021 20:17
looking at the Reni values, would we skip both Kill Phil and Say Cheese if we duped TCC? 😄

Powdinet — 10/01/2021 20:26
no, only the missions on the bottom matter
for some reason

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