The warning for small millisecond values is missing
10 months ago
Czech Republic

Before there used to be a warning if you tried to submit a time with a low millisecond value, now there is not.

Just got several runs submitted with milliseconds instead of deciseconds.

I.E users are submitting:

1m 1s 006ms

instead of

1m 1s 600ms

because the warning is gone.

SioN, Merl_ et 3 autres aime ceci

I have the same problem. Maybe it would also be a good idea to extend the game setting "Measure run times in milliseconds" to only allow one certain precision of milliseconds (no milliseconds, tenths, hundredths, or thousandths). So for example, when the in-game timer of a game only shows hundredths, the mods could change that setting so that runners can only enter two numbers in the milliseconds text field when submitting a run.

Merl_, hahhah42 et 2 autres aime ceci

This will be added back soon, just needs to be rebuilt

CyanWes et YUMmy_Bacon5 aime ceci