User Page Error 500
St. Louis, MO, USA


I am trying to look at my profile and when I try to go there I just get this:

This page isn’t working right can't currently handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

Others also cannot access my page.


Interestingly, all the pages of Sun_Tzu profile work, except the level runs page.

Gaming_64, Pear, et MrMonsh aime ceci

I tried checking the level leaderboard for Hot Wheels Turbo Racing (which I surmise is the only board he has level runs in), but found no errors either, so I guess it's not something to do with the runs themselves either.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago

I think the problem is fixed, got the error on their profile earlier today but now it works

MrMonsh aiment ceci

Same here, I was now able to check his level runs. He did have some Spyro Reignited runs, so maybe the issue was with those?

Either way it's fixed now, so all's well that ends well.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

It is all fixed now! Thank you very much!