New site layout!
4 years ago

There's a bug in editing series themes where there isn't a colour picker, just the Hex code for colour.


I feel like I'm going to be just parroting everyone else, but here's my two cents:

  • I'm one of the few crazy people out there that actually like Light Themes, but making this site's light theme the default was an awful idea due to it being the polar opposite of the pre-redesign site's colour scheme.

  • Why do you need to be on Night Mode to see any customisation? I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible with Light Theme (for example, banners have no reason not to show up on Light Theme) and since you have to be logged in to toggle Night Mode, it means all guests will be treated to the same colour scheme and theme everywhere. Not great first impressions if you ask me.

  • What's with the green anyway? There was no green in the orginal site colour scheme so seeing it being so prominent in the redesign is really jarring.

  • I can understand wanting to make the site look more "smooth" and modern, but the redesign in general looks flat and dull. I think even doing something like adding a simple background rather than a flat colour at the back would make a huge difference. Plus it also makes the pixelated trophy logo look super out-of-place now.

  • How long is it gonna take people to realise that just forcing a heavily different design on people out of nowhere is never, ever received well? Like it's happened with so many websites at this point I don't get why people haven't got the message yet.

In short, while there are a couple benifits to the redesign here and there, the bad heavily outweighs the good. While I'm glad there are plans to bring back some of the customisation features they really shouldn't have gone in the first place and in general the changes made by the redesign are just baffling.

6oliath aiment ceci

would've preferred better servers so the site isn't inaccessible 20 times a day


I hate the idea of streamlining everything. Now the leaderboards for games will be all the same. There's barely any customization options to personalize the page, which is really bad. I've spent so much time making logos and trying to get the perfect theme, all has now been thrown in the thrash. Such a shame.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago

This is the most generic layout you could have created. Light mode is bland as all hell and night mode is uncomfortable for my eyes, which is weird considering I loved the old, dark layout.


gotta have to agree with the majority...

Alot of the charm and uniqueness got lost with this new overly simplified design. Every leaderboard just looks really bland now and taking away the customizability of them is simply just a step backwards. The banner as only real customization option besides the theme color looks pretty out of place to me and seems like it just got implemented to have atleast some kind of customization.

The green is also not a good choice as default color, especially the text on the frontpage has bad contrast with the dark mode background.

this ain't it chief

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
slippy318, chaos42666 et 6 autres aime ceci