Additional Regions and console/systems
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Hello - I've recently been made mod to the the TMNT arcade game. I was wondering if we could get the addition of some regions that we are unable to select - a generic "world" region - as well as an "Oceania" region. These are also common regions for other games so figured it would be worth while to ask.

Another thing would be to have "1up" added as a system/console. With the new 1up arcades out there we see people using those from time to time and would like to track them differently than if using original arcade hardware from 89.


Very good idea to add other regions to some games. We all know most games are 6 regions. I have played a racing game called Slipstream, a Capcom arcade game for Sega, that game has Hispanic region, very unusual but it is available to be played thru Mame. So, it would be helluva idea adding Oceanía region to Speedrun dot com for some games.

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