Word limit on Guides
10 months ago
United States

I have no strong opinions on the new text formatting on the site; it's simply a means to an end, and I always have back ups off the website for good measure. While I'd like to update some of my Guides to fix the new formatting, it turns out that there's a word limit now. I tend to be pretty thorough (and a little too wordy for my own good), so this is a notable issue. Whenever I try to edit some of my longer guides, this error below appears. Fortunately, all of my lengthy guides are still up, but just cannot be edited. Here is one of those guides: https://www.speedrun.com/nmh/guides/6ucdi I hope this can be fixed since it's a rather useful tool for me.

zopney, StarFalco64 et 8 autres aime ceci

If this was really to prevent spam, this really did more harm than good. This was really bad for us in the KOTOR community. Much of our guides are 5 times longer than the current limit on SRC. Before it was limitless iirc, but now it's 10k characters only. We had to migrate all of our guides to Github. Which is a big shame considering this site was so convenient to use for us. I'm currently in the process of moving KOTOR 2's guides over. Big disappointment. I really hope this is reverted.

Edit: to those wondering, yes, the guides are still up. But we can't edit them without deleting a bunch of text, which isn't possible considering how complex these games are. This might have been reported already, but the markdown is super broken. You can see the asterisk, '[b]', '[h]', etc etc, now all visible and doesn't do anything. I really hope the character limit and the markdown is fixed so we can migrate our guides back over.

Modifié par l'auteur 10 months ago
StarFalco64, Merl_ et 4 autres aime ceci
North Carolina, USA

I wanted to add my voice to this because I feel strongly that the word limit on guides was a very bad decision. Longer written guides now have to be broken up into multiple segments if they are to remain on SRC, which I do not think is very appealing considering this site is often where people look first when looking into running games. This is really just a lot less appealing. Please reverse this.

CyanWes, Goal314 et 3 autres aime ceci
United States

I'm not sure if they got rid of the word limit or just increased it sometime in the past day, but I've been able to do some minor edits to my previously-over-the-limit guides, so it seems like they may have fixed it...? I haven't done extensive additions to those guides yet, so maybe there is still an upper limit, but this seems like a step forward for now. Still need to reformat a lot of stuff, but that's fine if I can actually fit all the text I need.

Modifié par l'auteur 9 months ago
United States

Sorry for the lack of a response here. We did increase the character limit a few days back. Please let me know if you run into any other issues, thanks!!

StarFalco64, AdrianVG et 2 autres aime ceci