2 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Hey, i'm Sarah. 20-year old trans girl speedrunner from nowheresville and allegedly professional musician.

I mostly speedrun for the fun of it, and i've gotten a pretty decent amount of good runs in various games (mostly games that suck because i'm an emotional masochist). I am starting small though, but one day I will own all of you in Saints Row 2, muahahahaha!

seriously though hi

starsmiley aiment ceci
United States

Hi! What kind of music do you do?

Valzentia aiment ceci
Richmond, VA, USA

drum and bass mixed with hardcore dance mixed with rock mixed with dubstep mixed with pop mixed with everything else you can think of (except country)

United States

Mixed with everything else I can think of? I’d love to hear how Tuvan throat singing is incorporated. 🙂

Naegi et Valzentia aime ceci