6 years ago
San Diego, CA, USA

Hey there, I'm Catherine. I'm not quite new to speedrunning as I've expressed an interest in it sometime in the past as well as followed some speedrunners, but I am new to joining these forums and actually getting active in the community.

Right now I kind of want to get into speedrunning the Mario & Luigi RPG series, although I do know that save for Dream Team and Paper Jam I'm probably going to have to sink my money into a capture card (exception with those two as I already have a streaming method on my N3DS that does not need a capture card). I may look into other games, perhaps PC games in the future; it's a little up in the air for now.

Other than that, glad to be here even if I may lurk for a little while!

Dakendude aiment ceci
Oklahoma, USA

weather your a lurker or not doesnt matter. ^_^ your taking part in the site's growth and that's awesome! glad to have you join us and i hope its fun as it looks for you. good luck!


Welcome aboard :D Good luck with your future runs!

Richmond, VA, USA

Mario and Luigi series is a fun time! Welcome aboard.


Welcome :D good luck ^^

Indiana, USA

Hey welcome and good to meet ya. Mario games made my childhood and the rpg ones are just killer. I wish you nothing but good fortune on your runs. May the RNG gods be ever in your favor.