Lorekeeper% Route
Lorekeeper% Route
Mis à jour 5 years ago par Nerd_Squared

Speedrun route for getting the Lorekeeper certificate

Note: you can skip the salvage sessions after each night by pressing the F2 key,which soft resets the game to the title screen. To do this,press the F2 key as soon as you hear a whirring sound effect after completing all of the tasks. For day 5 onwards,you don't have to do this as there's no salvages past day 4

Note 2: This category requires doing the minigames,which can be pretty hard to execute,especially for newer runners. There’s not much advice I can give besides keeping at it until you become comfortable with the minigames. There’s 2 minigames that are done in this category: Midnight Motorist and Carnival Hoops. Midnight Motorist is the easier of the 2 to execute,while Carnival Hoops has a relatively tight timing to it. There’s 2 other minigames alongside Midnight Motorist that are the ones used to get the Lorekeeper certificate: Fruity Maze and Security Puppet. They aren’t nearly as hard as Carnival Hoops,but Fruity Maze can be a little tricky.

Day 1 Tycoon Phase: Do the following: -Buy Sanitation Station -Accept sponsorship -Buy Midnight Motorist,do 5 plays -Buy Deluxe Speakers,Candy Cadet,Colorful Plates and Cups,Fruity Maze -Buy Carnival Hoops,do 5 plays -If you’re not comfortable doing Carnival Hoops,then do 5 more plays of Midnight Motorist instead -At this point we’re aiming to get enough money to fully upgrade the pizzeria size. This will let you put more attractions and animatronics up,which will boost your daily revenue,which is crucial to getting Security Puppet later -You need $1250 to fully upgrade the pizzeria size -Upgrade pizzeria size to level 3 -Place everything down Defense Phase: do tasks

Day 2 Tycoon Phase: Accept sponsorship,get the Easter Eggs for Midnight Motorist(1 play,hole in track on lap 4)and Fruity Maze(3 plays,beat it twice then wait it out the third time) Defense Phase: Do tasks

Day 3 Tycoon Phase: Accept sponsorship,add coin slots and clean+polish every attraction Defense Phase: Do tasks

Day 4 Tycoon Phase: Accept sponsorship Defense Phase: Do tasks

Day 5 Tycoon Phase: Accept sponsorship,then: -Buy Lemonade Clown,Foil Party Set,Neon Stage Lights,Novelty Traffic Light -Do 1 play of Midnight Motorist and 1 play of Hoops -If you’re not confident doing Carnival Hoops,do 3 plays of Midnight Motorist instead -Buy Security Puppet(costs $12500) -Get Security Puppet Easter Egg(4 plays,just sit around for the first 3) Soft Reset when you get sent back to the pizzeria view in Tycoon Mode and and stop time when the title screen pops up