Will 1.09 be its own category?
2 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

So do we think 1.09 (or 1.05 on playstation i think) will not be separated from other runs? im just kinda worried cause i run playstation deltarune and well i cant downpatch to 1.05/1.09 once its patched. i can switch to my laptop for 1.09 technically but it isnt the most ideal for me but i mean ig at least it doesnt mean im screwed

Western Australia, Australia

There is still discussions in what the mods are going to do. Currently, there’s discussion about making a No Major Glitches category, meaning no Mansion warp or SWW (save wrong warp, the broken thing in 1.09) but there’s still discussions going around.

I’d highly recommend joining the discord if you want to talk more about it

Raven48 aiment ceci
Los Angeles, CA, USA

The categories should be split like in Undertale, where the older versions were in one sub-category, and the new versions are in another sub-category.

Raven48 aiment ceci
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

ah okay ty guys!

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Addition of IGT to Deltarune

About a month ago, there was a community poll held in the discord to add IGT to Deltarune. After a close poll of about 70 to 5, we have added the use of IGT to the game. This IGT only makes a difference to the All Chapters categories, removing the time spent switching between chapter 1 and chapter 2

1 year ago
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