3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

yes has been done

Toronto, ON, Canada

On N64 its reasonable too. My SOB currently is a 57:59, sub 1 should be feasible =]

GeneralSnivy et Mayan aime ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

@Azmi get on it then :)

Azmi aiment ceci
Toronto, ON, Canada

Haha yeah thats any% Sandcastle Cheats (sandcastle%). Its basically any% but you're allowed to enter cheat codes in the sandcastle in TTC. Some people consider it "true any%" so yeah technically sub 1 hour has technically been done in that. However Any% without sandcsatle cheats on N64 hasnt gotten it yet.

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Leaderboard Changes

The leaderboard changes have been officially completed! Thanks to Wedarobi, with the power of his scripting, we now have categories sorted by Console first (Nintendo 64, Xbox, Nintendo Switch) rather than category (100%, Any%, Any% Restricted, etc).

Here's a breakdown of everything else changed:

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