How to set up PC Load Remover
6 years ago
United States

Note: Must be using Livesplit in order to use Load Remover. Load remover will be required to submit runs to the PC leaderboards.

  1. Visit and download the .asl file

  2. Open Livesplit, right click anywhere on livesplit, and click Edit Layout

  3. Click the Plus sign on the left hand side, click control, click Scriptable Auto Splitter.

  4. Double Click Scriptable Auto Splitter in the list, click browse, and locate the FF15LoadRemover.asl file.

  5. Double click on Timer, and change Timing Method to Game Time (from real time)

  6. Right Click on Livesplit, hover over Compare Against, and click Game Time.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
D_Winds likes this
Ontario, Canada

Good stuff as always TheOOT.

Update: Works like a charm.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
TheOOT likes this