New category
3 years ago
Friesland, Netherlands

I'm thinking about doing a 100% achievements random seed run for fun and maybe getting good at it at some point, but I was wondering if anyone else was interested in doing it and if so if there could be a category for it?

BandsWithLegends les gusta esto
Texas, USA

Im not too sure about that. The fishing quests would make the run take hours alone, as well as some RNG annoyances, 'Robbing the Grave' 'Jeepers Creepers' 'Archaeologist' and 'Deceiver of Fools', (dungeon loot, spider biome, nymph, doctor bones) also an AB&E run takes forever normally but if you have to do a lot of other things like getting the Terra Blade, Rainbow Rod, 9 Minions at once, and more. This category is a little unrealistic. A lot of these achievements are meant to give the game replayability and even doing all of them in a single sitting would be exhausting.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Yeah, that sounds very unfun and boring. Someone already did it as a joke in Journey, which took 8 hours (though one could argue it could be better optimized). Just sounds bleh overall

landus les gusta esto
California, USA

I believe Dajen was the one who did that. I think it could be lowered to 5-6 hours on seeded Journey with some practice, but it's on the fence between interesting and awful. They are plenty of longer categories for other games, so it's perfectly fine to go for it, but I doubt it will be made an official category. It might still get you those sweet clicks tho ;D


The fishing quests would still take forever for all achievements, and would be too much rng and take over the majority of the run's timeloss, instead of having that timeloss from playing bad.

Seattle, WA, USA

Is there a way to reset achievements so you know when you've done them all?

California, USA

There is, but I'm not sure how. Ask Dajen for the specifics. I believe it has something to do with verifying the integrity of your game files? Can't quite remember. It can't reset the achievements in steam, but it will turn the icons grey ingame, and will notify you when you get them.

United States

Doing it in any mode other than journey mode would take more than 24 hours no doubt. Random seed could definitely be lowered to 6 hours or so, but seeded can go much lower I think. If you're thinking of doing classic, expert, or master, you're in for a treat. But journey would be interesting to see become optimized.

Buffalo, NY, USA

Resetting your achievements, you turn off Cloud Save for steam/terraria, delete achievements-steam.dat here: C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata<YourAccountID>\105600\remote, then when you reopen terraria you should have achievements reset. Your steam achievements remain though.

Journey fishing only took me like an hour, you can get a quest fish, skip to the next day, and keep cycling until you have like 1/4 of the fish in the entire treasure fish pool (There are like 60 or 80 of them total). Then hard dupe them and you have enough to just grab any fish you need from your journey menu. The worse achievement IMO was the walking one and the Slime Rain one, as you don't walk a lot once you get the star from ML and the Slime Rain is REALLY rare, it can sometimes be hours until you get one. Make sure if you get one early on you DON'T MISS IT! Besides that, some other ones that were a little annoying were pumpkin and frost moons, just because you have to go out of your way for them. The max HP and Mana Stars. The 2nd evil boss, so you need both EoW and Brain. Besides that you could easily get a faster time than what I got, I went into it with no idea what I was needing to do.

Buffalo, NY, USA

Also, if you want your original achievements for terraria back you and verify the Integrity and they will all come back in.

United States


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