PS4 Console runs got deleted
5 years ago

I tried to find it on my own but i couldnt so im asking here Not a while ago some sub 1 hour runs (not mine) on ps4 got deleted, so im curious why

tyhill111 les gusta esto
Minnesota, USA

Also curious to know

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I don't know if one of those was mine (can't remember if I had a sub 1 hour here before submitting my current one), but I deleted one (yesterday I guess) because I got one better.

Minnesota, USA

the Leon B WR was on PS4 by a Japanese runner, but it's gone now

United States

Hi, Currently we've not deleted/rejected and verified runs on the board. If a run was removed it was most likely by the runner.

tyhill111 y zgl les gusta esto
United States

A lot of Japanese runners tend to delete their old times when they submit new PB’s. This could be why.

Voxgizer y tyhill111 les gusta esto

But he deleted all of his RE2MAKE runs on one day, also cant find him on this site anymore

United States

That would be a question for that runner as to why then. We don’t have access to anything that has to do with users. We can only accept, reject, or make adjustments to submissions as game mods. That’s as far as our “powers” go in regards to submissions.


I wonder what happened His runs was no joke, it's unfortunate to see those runs deleted. :(

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