Can Sombody Verify My Run?!
6 years ago
New Hampshire, USA

Are you sure you actually submitted, then?

kenkojuko les gusta esto
Minnesota, USA

I'm not a mod but if I were I'd verify it.

Dominator les gusta esto
South Carolina, USA

Yeah same I am waiting

Minnesota, USA

Previously its been seeming like they've been slacking off. The most I've had to wait is 5 days I think. The point is that they usually verify pretty quickly.

United States

The moderators aren't paid to do this, and they all have lives of their own. I'm sure they don't find it fun to wake up to 50+ submissions in their queue, they will get around to it when they do, okay?

The mods wouldn't purposefully force you to wait, just acknowledge they have lives and that they aren't paid to sit at their computer 24/7 and verify runs.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Darkrealm7, Dominator y 3 otros les gusta esto
Pays de la Loire, France

I think a lot of users dont see this message before submitting a run : "Before your run appears on the leaderboard, it will be submitted for verification by our moderators. Run approval may take 1-3 weeks in some cases. You will be notified shortly."

TicTacBean, Darkrealm7, y Kaoskarl les gusta esto
Pays de la Loire, France

And if you insist for verification I think mods will be verify your run very later.

Just wait.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Darkrealm7 y Kaoskarl les gusta esto
Michigan, USA

This game is pretty active, there is usually lots of backlog the mods have to review. This causes verification times to be longer. On less active games like Wii Sports Resort there is very little activity most of the time. This makes verification faster because there is no backlog of submitted runs. I had a run verified on there in less than 2 hours. It all depends on how active the game you run is.

TicTacBean les gusta esto
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