Interresting (?) about the teleporters in Metroid Dread (vluable infor for 100%?)
2 years ago

It might have been known already, but just in case, it might matter for the planning of the route, especially for 100%, but at some point in the game you can use the teleporters to get to any other teleporters in the game and they are no longer color-locked. I think it happen once you activate all teleporters.

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The synchronisation of all the teleportals actually happens when you first enter Itorash. I haven't checked the 100% route in a little while, but from what I remember from the old route, it dosen't seem to help speed things up enough to be a useful detour because it would mean that you need to deafeat the Golden Chozo first, then take the elevator to Itorash up, then down, and then you could go back to collecting the rest of the items you need. What's more, it only links together the teleportals that you have alerady used at least once, so if there is any teleportals that's not already activated, it won't be linked to all the others until you find it manually.

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