Meteor Police/Hamsteak% (Lose then Win or Walk Past Graves)
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

To do this you need to do the Weird Ed capture glitch to unlock New Kid in the lab. After Meteor Police come, use the switch like normal but quick change to another character and hit New Kid again. It fast lets you bring up the menu during the Dr. Fred cutscene and if you get the timing right after he's done with the control panel you can get one more revenge out of Weird Ed to get a third gravestone and WIN the game. You can outright skip the Dr. Fred cutscene but I find that it does help get the timing more accurate at first. You gotta wait for 12 button pushes before giving the hamster to Weird Ed. There's a few directions you can take this in:

Lose Then Win

In this version Bernard's gravestone was doubled and so Razor is still alive and present during the apologies cutscene, which occurs after the "All the kids have died" game over screen appears, but before the "Congratulations, you won the game" screen does.

Walk Past Graves and Lose

In this version Bernard's gravestone was doubled and so Dave is still alive and present during the apologies cutscene. I go for the extra turn here (hit New Kid at the last possible instant before the game would normally end, hit start to bring up the New Kid menu during closing cutscene) with enough time to walk by the three gravestones before losing (going for the extra turn when you would otherwise win off a Hamsteak ending will automatically set you back to losing). If you regain control immediately at the start of the post-graveyard apologies cutscene, the bad ending screen seems to always come on no later than when asked how Dr. Fred can repay you for your troubles. If trying it during the Razor version of the apologies ending it seems to come up even faster.

These endings are hard to get, but as far as winning off a hamsteak run, Meteor Police seems like it would be the fastest because of the downtime you have anyway that you can do additional Razor/Syd steps and you don't have to wait for the Contract, etc.

I'm not planning on speedrunning these endings anytime soon but I'd love to see it happen so if anyone is interested in trying I can maybe put together a new alternate endings tutorial vid or something.

Good running!

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
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