Cursor Lock
2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

Can someone explain the concept of the cursor lock because my runs keep getting denied for it?

Illinois, USA

yeah when you start the game the cursor locks before you see the game this is where we start the retime something is off with your cursor locking, which is why it keeps getting denied

MrHedgehog1565 les gusta esto
Phoenix, AZ, USA

So what should I do to prevent that? Would tabbing after the screen is black then retiming fine?

Texas, USA

does your game lag when you start, because the in-game time starts when the mouse cursor is locked at the beginning.

however your mouse cursor locks extremely late, i'd advise you to just reset data every run to avoid this because theres an easier way to retime when you reset data.

MrHedgehog1565 les gusta esto
Phoenix, AZ, USA

Alright thanks for the advice

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run rejections

UPDATE: process is complete, please notify me if i missed any, or if i make the mistake of verifying a run that didn't wipe save data for levels that require it.

i've been ignorant for like the past year or so, so i'm going through the level leaderboards and rejecting all runs that don't wipe

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