Request leaderboard moderation (Read the first post before posting!)
4 years ago

@Hararo Hey Hararo, thanks for the effort. Removed him.

New York, USA

While I have a new account, less than 7 days old, I want to be able to run the game "Raft"... but apparently it has no moderators?


@NerdyNester - Will look into this.

@Bling74 - Okay, added you due to long-term inactivity.

@The_Real_Jar - All the previous moderators demoted themselves recently, and there doesn't seem to be anybody willing/able to moderate the game at this time. You can still run the game and submit your runs, but yeah nobody will be able to approve them for now. If nothing has changed by the time your account is a month old, make another post here and we can look at adding you as a moderator (provided that you enable Email Authentication in your account settings and meet our other requirements).

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Michigan, USA

Raft runner ggWasNp, reporting for duty. I'd be happy to help out.

The_Real_Jar les gusta esto

@ggWasNp - Okay, added. Normally we would require a pending run (as sort of "proof of activity"), but considering the circumstances and that you've run the game relatively recently I'm willing to forgo that requirement.

@LanceLM - I'll talk to the moderators about this.

The_Real_Jar y ggWasNp les gusta esto
Franche-Comté, France

The moderator of https:/​/​www.​speedrun.​com/​stay_close is not connected this to 2 years and I don't arrive to contact him on twitter or twitch. I'd like to become a moderator so the boards.


@gloubox715 Okay. Added.

Lorraine, France

hi moderators of minecraft and fable categories do not work at all. In the first category, moderators upload only their own speedruns, and ordinary people ignore speedruns. In the second category (fable) they try to humiliate me because I'm from Russia. My speedruns are not even going to check.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago

@Nikitos - Your Minecraft run was submitted less than two hours ago(!!!) and your Fable run was only a few days ago (moderators are given up to 21 days to handle run submissions). You need to be patient, the moderators will handle these runs eventually. As for the Fable moderators trying to "humiliate" you, you're going to have to be a lot more specific because I see no evidence of this.


@Nikitos for Minecraft I've seen a mod verifying runs on stream, they are really slow and always behind (despite being a lot of mods) but only report if your runs aren't verified for at least a month.

Lorraine, France

@ShikenNuggets This changes almost everything except one. Why do they publish information about their friends' runs and runs, ignoring the rest? When I posted several runs from the moderators themselves and one run from an ordinary person. P.s et c'est une chose quand vous voyez que vous êtes occupé, alors 21 jours c'est normal. Mais si vous voyez que je suis libre, pourquoi ne pas vérifier, cela ne veut pas dire que je dois toujours attendre 21 jours

Editado por el autor 4 years ago

@Nikitos mods autoverify the runs they put in so that's why


@dha - As stated in the first post of this thread, please keep discussion between the requester and site staff.

[quote=Nikitos]Why do they publish information about their friends' runs and runs, ignoring the rest?[/quote]

@Nikitos - They don't? I can only speculate on why they verify runs in whatever order they do, but I can assure you that they don't just "ignore" runs from people who aren't moderators or aren't friends with moderators.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Lorraine, France

I allow myself the question, what happened to this moderator?

United States

@Nikitos - There is no question here that is in reference to the scope of this thread. Nuggets answered your previous request. Please keep posts in this thread relevant to the thread's topic.

Osmosis_Jones les gusta esto
Ohio, USA

I am a mod of Banana Kong and I am the only mod that has been active. Everyone else has been inactive for monthes and one was active two weeks ago but was banned indefinetely. Is there a way I can be a Super Mod? I want to add more active mods that can help me


@bluerapids12 - Looks okay, promoted you to Super Mod and removed the highly inactive moderators, as well as the banned one. Gonna leave @JayKayGame on for now since they haven't been offline that long.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Ohio, USA

Thank you so much! @ShikenNuggets

Denver, CO, USA

I would like to request moderation for as I have 2 pending WR runs sitting for over a month. I reached out to the mod on Discord on Tuesday to no response. Thank you.

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