My suggestion
2 years ago

There should be "like" and "dislike" buttons so people can rate a run if it's good or not.

The ability for the creator of the forum post to delete messages and lock his own thread.

Have custom color outline to a forum post. *Make messaging faster.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
Act_, YUMmy_Bacon5, y MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
New South Wales, Australia
  1. Why though its not youtube or something
  2. yeah but then they can just have their posts in the thread
  3. Why? we should ban @OtakuIsBetterThanSG from making new threads cause there are all ready like 8 posts about suggestions
Editado por el autor 2 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 y MinecraftGaming les gusta esto

Banning for making suggestions? Chill.

YUMmy_Bacon5, MrMonsh y 8 otros les gusta esto
New South Wales, Australia

he has made like 246 other threads

YUMmy_Bacon5 y MinecraftGaming les gusta esto
United States

It's annoying but not against the rules, and he has slowed down on the thread making.

Gaming_64, Act_ y 7 otros les gusta esto
French Southern Territories

This isn’t a social media platform, people don’t want to have feedback in 2 places.

YUMmy_Bacon5, MinecraftGaming y 5 otros les gusta esto

Dislike button isn't needed when there are like 10 people on forums and the same effect can be achieved by liking the opposing comment

YUMmy_Bacon5 les gusta esto
Madrid, Spain

Why would we ban someone just for making threads? It just looks like youre trying to get him banned for other reasons and youre using that as an excuse. In response to Otaku: No, people will use the dislike button to haunt other players or to make them angry, we have already seen a few instances of people being bullied and we dont want that. Also no to the users being able to delete messages from threads or lock them. Once you create a thread its not yours and people should be free to talk there. Its a different thing if they start misbehaving but thats what the moderators (game or site) and the flaggers (that have been talked about in other threads) would have to do. If people could do that you could just delete all of our messages from all of your threads and it would all be lost, and some comments in there are valuable, you know? SR.C isnt youtube, twitter or any of those social media platforms. If you want feedback you should use those

YUMmy_Bacon5, VyPr y 3 otros les gusta esto