Can no log into site using firefox?
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

Hey! It seems like I can not log onto the site when using firefox, but I can when using Chrome. Any ideas for me to be able to log on to the site with firefox again?


Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

Are you using https on both? Have you cleared your cookies on Firefox? What happens when you try to log in on Firefox?

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
DragonHeart000 y 7thArmstrong les gusta esto
Maryland, USA

Using https on both. When logging in got the "Welcome back, 7thArmstrong" message, then still have the "login" on the top right and not be able to use account features. Deleting cookies for the website did help! Everything seems to be working as normal again!

Thanks for the help!