LiveSplit One Question
6 months ago
United States

I'm on a mac laptop so after I set my splits how to I get the timer to pop up on other Tabs?



I had the same problem and I can help you since I've already solved it. There are two methods (below I'll write the pros and cons of both methods).

Method 1: You need to open EditLayout > EditLayout Settings > Layout and check the box for Always on Top. Now you'll have the program overlaying the game.

Method 2: Download the AutoHotKey program, create a text document on your desktop, and write a small script:

SetTimer, AlwaysOnTop, 100

SetWinDelay, -1
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_exe LiveSplit.exe

Then save and change the file extension to .ahk. Run it as administrator. Now LiveSplit will overlay the game. Now, onto the pros and cons:

Method 1: (+-)

  • **+**No need to download AutoHotKey

  • **-**You'll have to run the game in windowed mode or fullscreen windowed mode, otherwise, LiveSplit won't be visible

  • **-**Not all games support fullscreen windowed mode

  • **-**The mouse cursor might occasionally hover over the LiveSplit window during gameplay

Method 2: (+-)

  • **+**No need to run the game in windowed mode or fullscreen windowed mode since LiveSplit will overlay the game regardless

  • **-**You'll have to run the script every time after closing it (as administrator)

  • **-**Need to download AutoHotKey

  • **-**The mouse cursor might occasionally hover over the LiveSplit window during gameplay

That's all, but there's something else I'm not sure about: whether using AutoHotKey is allowed. However, I think if it's just to make LiveSplit visible over the game, it should be fine.


To get the LiveSplit One timer to show up on other tabs while using a Mac laptop, you can consider using window capture tools that are compatible with macOS. Tools like OBS Studio allow you to set up a scene that captures the LiveSplit window and overlays it onto other content you're displaying. This setup will enable you to switch between tabs while keeping the timer visible. If you're not already using OBS, it's a free and powerful software that could suit your needs for streaming and recording.