Delete the SRL gear category
7 years ago
Missouri, USA

It's retarded.

Please just ban those items or something.

Maine, USA

No we separated the categories because SRL gear saves a decent amount of time on leels that use the sparrow for and extended amount of time.

When will the SRL gear be available to players starting the game today and onward?

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Missouri, USA

Never, that is why it is pointless. So little people have the gear that the category will just be wasted space forever.

Missouri, USA

¤Unless SRL comes back, which is possible, and would cause the section to be fair for a while.

Maine, USA

Thats the reason why we separated the leaderboards so the people that don't have the gear can have there own leaderboard so the don't have to compete with someone that has that much of advantage over them.

How many active runners use/have the SRL gear?

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Maine, USA

anybody that still runs the game that was around during the SRL event.

Utah, USA

I did quite a bit of srl and never got the helmet

Maine, USA

i"m just saying that to the people who did get the helmet should be allowed to use them because it makes the game faster that's why we separated the leaderboards

Missouri, USA

Only two people have used the gear.

Maine, USA

it doesn't matter the two people who have the gear should be aloud to use it just because it's faster that's why the leaderboards got separated so the people that don't have the gear can be able to get WR times.

2 people do not merit the need for a new category.

If there were more than 4 people exclusively running SRL gear you would be obligated to make a new category for competitions sake, but as it stands they're running against themselves.

What's the point of letting 2 players have "World Records" when no one else is trying/or capable of competing?

You may as well make categories for every individual unique submission that falls outside of the rules for the main category as their own leaderboard.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Utah, USA

Give it up guys, as much as they should absolutely be banned (even an admin to the site said they wouldn't allow them) I had trouble enough trying to explain the definition of "unfair advantage" it's at least in it's own separate category and they can't affect those of us who actually want to play by fair rules

Maine, USA

The whole goal of destiny speed running from the start was to get the missions to be as fast as humanly possible so why would you ban an item that can make the game faster it doesn't hurt anybody.

If it's available to everyone ongoing it doesn't hurt anyone, that's for sure. Being a "top player" in a category with no competition is pretty pointless though and hurts the runners themselves.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Maine, USA

We're done talking about this because at this point it's just getting annoying arguing about something that doesn't negatively affect people. If someone wants to run the game using SRL gear they are aloud to use it but they have to submit it under the SRL category.

Annoying for who? Those who have an understanding of competitive leader boards or just you?

This is a community issue, but thanks for telling me to shut up about it.

It should be pretty apparent by now how annoying it is on both sides of the issue here, resolving it would be very not annoying.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Maine, USA

Well considering that we spent a few hours arguing about adding the SRL category which btw you were apart of that conversation to and now your arguing about removing the category not even a week after adding it.

So yes I am telling you to shut up because at this point you are doing this to just be annoying.

The category stays because there are people who do want to run IL's with SRL gear and they should be allowed to have there times on the leaderboard.


@PrettzL Why did you completely change your mind all of the sudden? Before the category got added you were wanted it to be added and now you want it changed... make up your mind kid, do you even run this game?

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