Adding a Solo (SRL Gear) Category
7 years ago
Oregon, USA

We'd like to add a Solo (SRL Gear) category to the front page alongside the solo category. That way nobody gets knocked off the leaderboard. unfortunately, someone just changed the categories back to the original way without merging runs back into solo, so a couple of Fish's runs just vanished.... which is not cool. Fish still has his videos so we can re-post them, but I'm going to currently try to salvage them by re-making the category

Maine, USA

No the categorys stay the same just check off on his runs that he used SRL gear in the variable section of the run submission.

Oregon, USA

Dude, Username, jukes, me, flesh, fish, and haza are all in agreement that we would like to have it be separate categories as long as both are alongside eachother on the front page.

xJackieBx les gusta esto
Maine, USA

yes but if you add a Solo SRL category your gonna have to add Duo SRL and Fireteam SRL categories as well. Because what if the full fireteam used SRL gear wouldn't that be unfair for other fireteams who couldn't use it.

Oregon, USA

Yes, that's what we were planning on doing

Maine, USA

That's just gonna clutter up the leaderboards a lot when you can just do what I said we were doing from the start which is just use the new variable which separates the leaderboards in one page by using the gear filter. It works the same as the variable to show which class you ran on.

Oregon, USA

Unfortunately, the majority of runners aren't okay with that. The reason they are frustrated is because that's not separating times and records that need to be separate, its just putting a label on them without changing the leaderboard. Also we feel that since duo, fireteam and fullgame runs have a much wider margin for error than solo ILs, the SRL gear doesn't make a big enough impact on them to warrant duo and fireteam categories

xJackieBx les gusta esto
Maine, USA

have you even looked at what the filter does to the leaderboard it seperates the time by completely getting rid of the other times that don't have the same value checked off.

Oregon, USA

Yes, we have looked at the filter, however for some its not enough. We'd rather just have separate solo categories, its easier and more fair that way

United States

Yeah like basically I've spent the past 4 hours trying to get near the 2:59 Dark Beyond I have a 3:04, Like it doesn't seem possible. No matter what I'm running against that helmet with the checklist. It's not fair to have a run with more optimized movement be slower because the helmet saves that much time

CleverUsername les gusta esto
Maine, USA

well I don't really care if it's not enough for some people I don't want to over clutter the leaderboards again like when we had Pre 2.1 runs on the front page. plus I still over rule all of you since I have been a super mod on this page for over a year.

CleverUsername les gusta esto
Maine, USA

Plus again look at games like fallout 3 who did the same thing that I did with a trick that save a lot more time and only some people are able to do it. they keep the runs that used speed cripple and the runs that don't use speed cripple on the same page but the filter separates the times.

CleverUsername les gusta esto
United States

But look at the fallout 3 page? It's only speed cripple now. Not only that but it is possible for anybody to do speed cripple. It is actually impossible to get that gear now.

CleverUsername les gusta esto
Alberta, Canada

Zecora I personally agree with clever idea even tho my word isn't much say the SRL helmet is not a in-game glitch where you can use to glitch time where anyone could do this. You have had to compete in this event to earn this helm which possibly may not be attainable ever again if the destiny community gave negative feedback back. So for those who have competed in those events should not have the advantage over the newer runners who come to compete in speedruns. If your worried about how many catergoies should possiblyou really evaulate them and add rules into item bans like fellow speedrunning sites.

PrettzL, xJackieBx, y CleverUsername les gusta esto
Utah, USA

It's at least nice to see now that Clever actually sees the reasoning behind why this is needed.

Literally hundreds upon hundreds of games have a lot of categories (some even with 10+). Why? because they need them, Just like this game needs them to be separated for it to be a fair playing field. I 100% with Clever's decision, as it doesn't take away from some of Fishs and Scar's that they surely worked hard for, and it doesn't screw people like Jukes and others due to simple unfairness.

It's the best (and correct) thing to do.

PrettzL y CleverUsername les gusta esto
Oregon, USA

At the moment, the current FP isn't cluttered, even with the extra category there. I was the dude who cleaned up the FP a few months back, I get how shitty it looked back then.

PrettzL les gusta esto
Maine, USA

I know it's unfair for the people that can't get the armor but look at it this way they can't complain about not having the armor because they didn't own the game when SRL was around or just didn't care enough to get the armor when they still could. I mean look at me I started speedrunning this game in October 2014 and I don't have the helmet but I honestly could care less about having it either the only way I would ever come back to running this game was if overdrive tapping was back and was just as fast as it was when it was still possible.

Utah, USA

I'm going to be blunt, but nobody cares that you're a "super" mod. Nobody here is agreeing with you, nobody.

You've also made it very apparent (and i also checked) that you don't even run this game now ever since the sparrow nerf. What makes you qualified to decide what categories should and shouldn't be allowed for a game you no longer even speed run? Like I'm really curious. How about letting the mods that actually run this game still, decide what's best.

All you're doing by saying "I don't care what the community wants, because I'm a SUPER MOD" is making literally everybody not like you.

PrettzL les gusta esto
Maine, USA

What makes me qualified is that when I was first added as a super mod I was one of the best destiny runners around back then Plus you don't have to run the game to be qualified to make decision on what categories should and shouldn't be in the game If you are very active in the chat and have a really good understanding of how the game works. If you were to look at my profile under info i have over 130 forum posts which most of them are in the destiny forums. Plus I added Jukes and Clever as mods because the community thought that we should have more mods on this page. I added Flesh as a super mod because he was better qualified to have a majority of the power over the full-game leaderboards. Me and flesh still have shared control over both leaderboards full-game and IL but I leave all authority over the Full-game leaderboards to Flesh.

Sorry if you think that I don't care what the community want. But I've been here since the start.

I'm not trying to take shots at Jukes and Clever either I hope you don't think that's what I'm doing.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
PrettzL les gusta esto

I have been speedrunning this game for almost a year (It will be a year on the 29th) and also own one of the srl helmets and I believe that there should be a separate category for runs that use srl helmets, such as my own, and it should also be on the front page along with the no srl helmet category, this way we can have a board times that can be optimised to the max as well as a board that isn't as optimised so that if new people want to start speedrunning now then they still have times that they can actually beat, Otherwise it just pushes people who want to start speedrunning away and the community will never grow. Just my opinion though.

PrettzL y Zeee les gusta esto
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