2 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

What is the difference between SURVEY_PROGRAM and the CH1+CH2 demo? Which one is faster?

Aberdeen, Scotland

SURVEY_PROGRAM is the 2018 demo, which contains only Chapter 1. CH1+CH2 demo is the 2021 demo, which contains Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Western Australia, Australia

Survey Program has some easier encounter skips and faster very advanced methods of encounter skips in Maze Bloxxer and Rudinn Ranger that are impossible in the CH1+2 demo.

CH1+2 demo had some lag in both chapters, which is now gone since 1.08 I believe, CH1=2 Demo doesn't need to pick up WP, versions prior to 1.08 has an attack in King that gives about 50TP extra in Demo than survey program when grazed well and in 1.09, there is a Save Wrong Warp (SWW) that saves 19 seconds in fields.

Survey_Program is faster if you're going for the really difficult methods to skip Maze Bloxxer and Rudinn Ranger, they're about the same if you don't do those strategies and the CH1+2 demo is faster in 1.09 however 1.09 is currently seperated from the main CH1 leaderboard in one of the misc categories.

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1 year ago