Debug Mode Ruling
6 years ago

This Any% speedrun in 00:00.000 IGT by dahlukeh is allowed under the current ruleset.

Right now, the rules don't have any statement about debug mode or using debug features. Modifications to the executable are banned (among cheat and assist mode), however debug mode does not modify the .exe and is therefore not covered by this. I don't think there needs to be much discussion about banning the use of any debug tools, this needs to be explicitly stated though in the ruleset of every category somewhere, which it currently isn't.

Beyond that though, I think there needs to be a decision made on allowing debug mode for run submission in general, as in if runs that were played with debug mode being on (but without using any debug features) should be allowed on the leaderboard or not. Currently, as there is no explicit ban on it, these runs are allowed by default. However, I feel like the overall community consensus has always been that it was banned. There is a legitimate discussion here that never really happened on if it should or shouldn't be allowed.

From a runners perspective, it's more convenient to allow playing on debug mode. It avoids having to switch around every time you go from practicing to doing runs and vice versa. On the other hand, banning debug mode makes verification simpler. When debug mode is off, simply looking at the final IGT and the version number, as well as checking that cheat or assist mode weren't used, is pretty much enough to make sure a run is legitimate. This is not the case if debug mode is on, as you can't rule out the possibility of someone using debug features without looking at the gameplay itself.

Inevitably runs that have debug mode on will take longer to verify, so a sensible middle-ground solution would be to allow debug mode, but with the expectancy that runs submitted with debug mode being on will have to wait longer for verification. Otherwise, a binary decision on allowing or banning debug mode has to be explicitly stated in the rules.

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United States

Personal opinion here: A few months ago I reached out to Jared about submitting ILs with debug mode on because it made the berries Red instead of Ghost for ARB practice, and at the time there was a very small debate of whether debug mode is a "mod" since you have to go into your files to change it.

I think the general consensus is that stance of it being a mod (primarily because it is TGH's opinion and he has a wide sphere of influence in the community) that has added the negative connotation to it that may be currently associated with it.

I think this is a good time to bring this up since the wording of the rules has recently changed, in the past, because of the wording that was used, debug tools were essentially soft banned because they went against the compete every a-side from the start wording that had been used, so im extremely in favor of specifically stating that debug features are banned.

Anything that changes your timer from white to grey should be banned for runs. I believe all debug features do this, so Im totally ok with adding "no debug features allowed". However I love practicing with debug mode on, transitioning from practice to runs seemlessly, and being able to do ARB and full clear ILs with red berries, so i think debug mode runs should be allowed as long as no features are used.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
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