New Catagories
8 years ago
Utah, USA

Hey just wondering if we could add more character runs and maybe the battle zones to the list of runs? Would do it myself if I knew how.

Abson7 likes this
Calabria, Italy

I was thinking about this too. There should be a Level Leaderbord for every character, a Leaderboard category about Galaxy Mode any%/100%, one about Battle Zones, and such.

Mississippi, USA

Go for it more DBZ runs are amazing to watch =]

United Kingdom

We're working on updating the Categories at the moment; in the meantime, if theres ever a run that you think should exist but doesn't, feel free to run it and send us the video link, we'd be happy to take a look at adding it :)

Pear and GustavoPredador like this

Would it be possible to add the remaining characters for the galaxy mode ?

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