I can’t see the any% leaderboard past 1000th place
2 years ago
Saudi Arabia

I would like to see the full leaderboard to see what should be my goal. But when I go past the 1000th run, it is an infinite loading symbol.

Does anyone else have this issue, and how can you solve it?

Lexonix likes this
Nevada, USA

I have this as well and its been an issue for at least 3 days

Bretagne, France

Same issue

United States

this is a site-wide issue and not within our control to fix. as you can see, the supporter money is being used appropriately to make sure the site is functional! :))

while i don't have a full leaderboard for you to reference, we have a fairly comprehensive resource for checking appropriate chapter times in Any% runs between 26 and 59 minutes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14WJL-0vJHYOJzDzhrxfJQumMnMn5M8LD6qwwojogp0E/edit#gid=0

Dillarune, ThePalmtopTiger and 2 others like this
United States

another option would be filtering the leaderboard by platform, as you will be able to see slower times than what is in the overall top 1000. just note that runners on console are not able to use some of the tools that PC players have, and may therefore use slightly different strats

Saudi Arabia

Great! Glad I’m not the only one. The Reddit link helped a lot. Thanks!

United Kingdom

unpractical solution: delete every run under 1000th place

United States

hey SRC finally rolled out a change that fixes this... still shockingly late but hey better late than never

Apeirocell, voytxt, and mia3d like this
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