irl% cooking question
9 months ago
United States

for the irl% it states no convection oven are there any other restrictions to cooking aperatus like if i wanted to could i use a open flame or other method?

D7G0N likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
9 months ago

From looking at the rules, it seems like you wouldn’t be able to call time since no batches of cookies leave an oven.

However, using a microwave could potentially be a faster way to reach the fully “baked” state, although this is only known to work on a couple cookies at a time. Although these cookies might not count as baked since they were never in an oven and microwaving the cookies would give them a rather mushy texture.

According to google cookies can also be made in a skillet/pan or in an air fryer, although the air fryer might count as a convection oven. An oven is still the best at cooking all the cookies at once, though.

Also I am not a mod do not trust me.

grntsz likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
9 months ago

New question: Can the cookies be cooked on a frying pan?