Programmer oversight and/or bug on final boss:
3 months ago
United States

On lackattack's run, at the 1:58:50, he is playing 5-card with The King and gets dealt a royal flush, the best hand in the game.

I do not know why I remember this 30 years later, but I remember confirming this was a scripted event. Felt like it was "after enough hands" ~20th hand, possibly as a lifeline to hit the King really hard.

However, recently picking it up I got to this hand, and sure enough it was Q10KJA of spades like in lack's video. However, after the King took his cards and all, he showed a hand -ALSO- including the A of spades. So, the script still ran that game with a 52 card deck. Is there a world where the King then gets a Royal Flush exactly on that hand too? Would the script force you to win the tie? What else is scripted, what are the triggers?


(all of the edits were to clean up descriptions and comments)

Edited by the author 3 months ago
United States

It can happen on the 25th and 40th deals, but only if you win the prior hand (so, the 24th and/or 39th). Yeah, duplicate cards are possible because it's just creating those cards from nothing, not picking them out of the deck. And I do believe you would win in case of a tie.

I don't think there's much to gain from it in terms of speedrun. One golden hand in isolation would give you a boost for, let's say, ~300k, optimistically? Which is not nothing, but you still have to win the prior hand, which is a pretty random prospect on its own. It also means you're lead bet with a royal flush in hand. I'd much rather be in position to raise manip him to squeeze out 300k+. Going for an "easy" 200k is fine, but even then it's still not guaranteed.

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United States

I was thinking more--if you say there's a condition, then could you trigger it on other dealers, faster than just fold until all-in? Is there an equivalent one for the blackjack dealers? It's just something that deviates from the usual gameplay and is therefore rife for exploitation...somehow...right?

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