短縮テクニックのガイド/A Guide to Shortening Techniques
3 years ago

【日本語】 https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/10/200237?_ga=2.32959225.6148818.1599074121-919147034.1587664596

これから始めたい人のために、短縮テクニックや 基礎動作を確認する、簡単なガイドを作成しました。 カテゴリや難易度別の攻略はまだ書けていませんが、 完成したらこのボードに記事のリンクを追加していく予定です。

ディスコードサーバーもあります。 走者同士のコミュニケーションやゲームの攻略について語ったり、 RTAイベントの報告や雑談などに使っています。 https://discord.gg/Dv85k6j

【Eng】 https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/19/035518?_ga=2.32959225.6148818.1599074121-919147034.1587664596

(Translation machine.) For those of you who want to get started, there are some shortening techniques and We have created a simple guide to check the basic operation. I haven't written a category or difficulty-based strategy yet. I will be adding links to the article to this board when it is completed.

There is also a discord server. Runners can communicate with each other, talk about the game's strategies, and I use it for reporting on RTA events and chatting.  https://discord.gg/Dv85k6j

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Any%Normalの短縮案や敵の倒し方をまとめた攻略記事です。 美少女戦士セーラームーンR RTA Any%Normal 攻略 - NRSGのRTAブログ https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/09/11/193650

(ENG) This is a strategy article on the proposed shortening of Any%Normal and how to defeat enemies. I'm using a translation machine, so it may be difficult to understand some parts of it. Bishoujo senshi sailor moon R Speedrun Eng Any%Normal strategy - NRSGのRTAブログ https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/09/12/163308

Edited by the author 3 years ago