Burnout Revenge any% route
8 years ago
New Jersey, USA


I don't think anyone will actually speedrun this game, but just in case, i decided to make a route for it since i was bored. There are a total of 94 events(probably more) and my estimate is at 6 hours.

United States

Can there be a "Unlock Elite Rank%?" I've been looking at speedrunning some Burnout games as I finally got my capture card.

United States

So here is my strat: Do crashes and to quickly unlock rank 5 and unlock a 185mph race car Then complete Rank 5 race events and finish the Grand Prix. As you need stars to progress, do older race events and finish each grand prix in the older events. Having the faster car should save some time in older events.

United States

It looks I did a few events that don't unlock further evens Which wasted time and gave me more stars than I would normally have. IGT on my profile is 6h 30min as of finishing GPs 1-9 I wasted a good amount of time on trying to gold a few events and I did the events that do not unlock things as I mentioned.

United States

I did a test for the last few days. My estimate is 5h 30min.

I used crashes to skip ahead to rank 5 and get a 185mph car and went back to Rank 1 and followed your route.

¤The test assumed you only do each event one time. I would run each event normally and if I did not get 4 or 5 stars I would pause the timer and do it again since I haven't played the game in a while. This gave me a good estimate for time it takes to do each event.

To get this route done, it will require memorizing every crash event in rank 1-4, I'll try to get a tutorial done for these eventually.

This is still not fully optimized as you could also play around with the events to potentially skip up to rank 7. However fuck the rank crashes.

United States

Crashes to 185mph car in 54:01

to finish GP 3: 1:19.58 total time: 2:13:59

To finish GP 6 1:59:39 total time: 4:13:38

To finish GP 10 1:25:16 total time: 5:38:54

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