غير معروف
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

who even runs this game on ios and android

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

we discussed this in disc, for any% it's when you hit the 32 icecream block for 100% 53 ic and 63 ic (w/o sun fight ofc, thats why its -1) it ends on last icecream collect.

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

wow that's almost a sub 20 observatory top w/ tutorial + my segment thats super good.. like 5s better than my pb there

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

wow that's almost a sub 20 observatory top w/ tutorial + my segment thats super good.. like 5s better than my pb there

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

there's many reasons i want this category. any% is a great run but a large problem of it is the sunfight. the sunfight was designed poorly. it wasnt what most of this community expected, and not many people today like it at all. here's some of the flaws about the sunfight

roughly 1/3 of the run is the sunfight, as it can be 5:40-7 min long it loses so much time if not done perfectly. its very easy to die.

it kills tons of runs because if you fail it your pretty much done because you lost so much time (unless its your first run or your run before that is extremely bad) even if you had a bad run before, you would have to be saving almost 7 minutes going into the sun fight. that's a lot of time that can be lost if you die on the final part of the fight there is many people who dont like any% just because of the sun fight. the rest of the worlds are alright, with the exception of new neocity. me and some people were talking about this in the discord, and theres people who would definitely run this category. i believe without the sun fight, this would be a much more optimized run and more people would run it. i know i would. that's why i propose for this to be a new category. maybe we can do a poll cya, -toop

Stary المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

damn, pretty fast

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

ik, ill do 500 retakes.

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

Ill do soap

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

I could help w/ segmented run TAS would be wayy too hard. I could upload it on my channel, because I have a decent audience which could see this.

SingZingXing المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

I think sub 21 is possible. Maybe 20:20? If I learned the route, I'd take a shot at it

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

Here's like 10 skips I found (in playlist)

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop5 years ago

I have found lots of skips and tricks for Robot 64, and I have a playlist of them on youtube. I would like to know where to post these, maybe on the forums or the discord?

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop6 years ago


موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop6 years ago

Any% as of right now only has ice creams included in the observatory. Recently, I just speedrun Robot 64 and used the new extra levels that I got for having testing access. If we make a new category of Any% that uses the extra levels and the observatory's worlds this would help remove confusion. This would also help players that do not have the robux to get the extra levels. This is because if there was only Any% and no Any% Extra Levels many players would feel bad because everyone is dominating them because they have the extra levels which allows them to get icecreams faster. (There is quite a few fast icecreams in the extra levels that could help players maybe get to sub 22) So, if there was a category that did not use extra levels and one that used extra levels, players would feel better because there wouldn't be an insane timesave that only a few can get.

موضوع: Robot 64
Antarcticatoop6 years ago

now all we need is a 0 icecream route

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