Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

I know there was a discussion regarding the re-timing of some IL runs on Discord. The timer should begin upon selection of Story Mode or Replay Story and end when the level complete screen appears. I looked at your time and agree with 1:52. I then looked at the current wr time and I do not agree with that time. It's a little difficult to get an exact time since the video is incomplete. I compared both runs side by side as you did and your run finished a hair before the other run.

I would ask a moderator to look at the both runs and to re-time the current wr run since your run was already re-timed.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc, و WiiSuper تُحب هذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

I think the skip you are referring to is the early sword skip or the non-jewel skip. If it's not, let me know. It is possible on Xbox 360 and it is not frame perfect. To do it, you need an enemy on the stage. You can do that by going in the corner on the stage or by having one of the melee you until he gets up there. Next, get him to melee you until he is behind one of the buttons. It's recommended that he kills you at this point so that you spawn on the other side of him and can run to the other button. When you respawn, the enemy will move to attack you and will step on the button in the process. If you are standing on the button when he runs over it, you can get early sword. If you miss the sword throw, you have to redo the whole setup. The video below is my current PB. If you start it around 43:15 you will see the glitch.

WiiSuper و alkamaass تُحب هذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

There are two types of dupes: drop duping and pick-up duping. Drop duping is Wii exclusive, and there is no tutorial for it as far as I know. Pick-up duping is viable for Xbox 360 as well as Wii (unsure/untested on other platforms). There is a pick-up duping tutorial by Matchy21 on YouTube. Here is the link to that video:

I hope this helps.

Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

No, there are not. I have to manually split for everything, even when I was running on dolphin emulator.

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

I submitted a run for Disney's Tarzan: Return to the Jungle any% last week and it still hasn't been verified. I tried contacting the mod (DeShelly) 3 separate times via Twitter with no response. His profile says he was last online 2 months ago. Please send help.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Talk
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

I submitted a run for Disney's Tarzan: Return to the Jungle any% on Feb. 17 and it hasn't been verified or rejected. Looking at the mod's profile, he hasn't been on the website in 2 months. How can I get my run verified with an in-active mod?

Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced7 years ago

The timer starts when you gain control of your character in the level and timer stops when you lose control of your character in the level. For story mode runs, timer would start after the initial cut scene and before the final cut scene (before the final two cut scenes if it's chapter 6 of any episode). Extras will be allowed in the new game+ (NG+) categories.

The rules for the IL runs have also been updated.

WiiSuper و OmegaFallon تُحب هذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced8 years ago

I've given this some more thought and think that a 100% NG+ category should be added or at least considered and then not allow for the glitch to be used for 100% category.

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced8 years ago

Ok, so not allowed for any%. What about for 100% runs which allow extras to be used?

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced8 years ago

I recently stumbled upon a glitch that I would like to discuss for runs that do not allow power bricks.

The glitch involves two save files. One file would have 100% and the other would be a different load file. Starting in the 100% file, the extras are turned on for whichever ones are desired (invincibility, fast force, fast build, etc.). Then, the file is exited and the other file is started. Inside the second file the extras are listed in the pause menu as "Locked" or “Available to buy” but are still applied. Whichever ones were selected in the previous file, were still being applied in the second file.

I'm wondering if this glitch can be used for runs that do not allow for extras such as any%. I understand why it wouldn't: it uses extras. But would the argument of it being a glitch, it does not display that the extras are being used, and that the extras may not even be collected/bought during the run, be enough for it to be allowed?

On the other hand, for runs that allow extras, could this glitch be used? For NG+ runs this glitch wouldn’t be much help. However, for 100% runs, this could save a couple hours. The rules for the 100% runs are insufficient to cover this glitch.

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced8 years ago

Thank you!

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
Des Moines, IA, USAPrnced8 years ago

I was wondering what the rule is on using the 1 player, 2 controllers (1P2C) technique for a single player run. I know that 2 human players is against the rules for a single player run, but is 1P2C allowed? I had an any% and super story runs that were rejected for using 2 players when I was doing 1P2C. Could someone help explain this rule to me?

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
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