Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

Have you ever/would you ever? I never thought I'd want to, but I've come across a game that's making me strongly consider it. I'd love to hear thoughts on the matter.

Revelyte23 المعجبون بهذا
Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

What is this phase thing anyway? I swear to god it used to give me an option to move runs "up to phase 1" and I was planning to do that tonight to mark a few runs I'm sure I want to accept. But the only option is "move down to phase 0" when they're all listed as phase 0 anyway. What am I missing?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

You guys hear about this coming out? Here's an article that discusses it -> https://www.pocket-lint.com/games/news/nintendo/146899-nintendo-switch-2-release-date-specs-games

How do you think this will affect speedrunning? Will it be de-facto required for Switch runs? Is it gonna shake up the likes of Odyssey and BOTW, that already have an extremely large community of runners and runs and (I imagine) highly optimized WR's? Is it gonna be a big deal for upcoming Switch games? (Personally got my eye on Astral Chain)

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

I will pay fifty ($50) American dollars to anyone who can reliably recreate this skip on the current patch of the game Mulaka.

Here is a screen grab from the game on current patch that shows the difference (compare to about the 3:02 mark in the clip) - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534703656331902979/589394214857474048/unknown.png

Essentially, there's a piece of geometry present in the game's current patch that isn't there in the twitch clip. Collision in this game is....kinda strange (the run is already heavily glitched), so I'm far from convinced this skip has been made impossible. This skip, if found on current patch and proven feasible to do in runs, would save several minutes in the current any% and help justify a new category I want to create.

I won't supply the game itself to anyone, but I strongly suspect it will be included in the upcoming Steam sale (it's a great game casually, too - pick it up!) and this offer will remain open until future notice.

Imaproshaman, Tenka, و witchakorn تُحب هذا
Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

You guys see this? https://www.gamespot.com/articles/n64-clone-console-coming-see-first-video-here/1100-6467419/

How do you suppose this will be handled in terms of speedruns (particularly as many sacred cows of speedrunning are on the N64)? Blanket-allow, blanket-ban, or strictly game-by-game? Different categories or variables? It uses original software, it's not like the mini-NES and mini-SNES as I had first thought. But it's made to work with modern TV's.

Regardless, my interest is definitely piqued.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

I know, this again. (Sorry?) This is probably gonna come across as angry and whiny, because everyone thinks that of me (I must have the text equivalent of RBF). Sorry for that too. Anyway.

A couple weeks ago I put in a request for Days Gone, a major AAA game releasing this Friday. I didn't know until shortly before I did that that you even could submit game requests for non-series games prior to release. It was rejected, and while I don't have the rejection rationale in front of me right now, it was something about we need to see gameplay of this one before we can approve it. I thought little of it, and filed the idea away for post-release (for the record, I'm quite happy to do runs prior to the games getting listed here and would have it be that way for all games if it were up to me, which it of course is not).

Last week a game called Katana ZERO came out. I learned the game as best I could before submitting a game request (about 4 days hence) only to find out to my surprise there had been a board for the game since before its release. (Maybe I misspelled it when checking the last few days, I dunno) I won't deny a smidge of disappointment at not getting to help run the board for a game I correctly predicted would be quite active (someday I'll mod a game people actually run!) but I've left my suggestions for what I would have implemented that they haven't yet (5 mods already!) and will still run the game happily. Kinda feel like a fool though, for playing by one set of rules when they were playing by another.

But it brings me back to Days Gone. Now I'm relieved to see a pre-release board wasn't given to someone else, but I kinda have to wonder why a multi million dollar AAA game is apparently not certain to have enough gameplay in it for a board but a much simpler indie game was. Is there some basis for making the distinction? I've heard anecdotally from others that getting a board pre-release is "no big deal" and even games that wound up being minimally popular got them (the specific example I remember being mentioned is Death's Gambit).

In the end, it's not really Days Gone that I'm buggin' about (you can expect my first run of it before the weekend is out, and maybe even sooner), nor Katana ZERO. There's another game, you'll understand perhaps if I don't wish to say which it is, that I'm also incredibly excited about and really really interested in helping run the board. It's still a TBA release date (not even a year has been announced) so it's folly for me or anyone to submit it now, but it'll low-key break my heart a little if the same thing happens, if someone gets the board before I even have a chance. How soon pre-release can you submit such a request? What information is required, since you can't link your own run (which, again, I'd love to be required for every request). When I tried to submit Days Gone a few weeks ago, I included a trailer there (the site doesn't let you leave it blank or just put jibberish there).

My thanks to anyone who can help, I really just want to understand better

Imaproshaman المعجبون بهذا
Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

Silly me, I thought you needed a run on record to request a board, so I didn't think there already was one (and apparently has been since before the game even came out). Anyway, my run will be submitted when I get home tonight, and there's one category I was gonna implement if I got the board that isn't there yet. I'd call it "all secrets" - obtain the five secret keys (they respawn) and kill the secret boss. It would provide for a few unique bits of gameplay (a good run in the full-game category would qualify for the key in the slaughterhouse level already, but the others are more out-of-the-way and that one is freakin hard to get). Can't say I'd be chomping at the bit to run it myself but I bet someone will, and it seems like a pretty easy category for the game to include.

I also considered All Achievements, but that would take two playthroughs and some Steam kerfuckery, so I could understand not adding that without concrete interest.

Anyhoo, catch ya around. I'll be giving follows to any runners who stream on twitch.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

On a board I inherited from inactive mods ( https://www.speedrun.com/pbol ), submissions are set to be accepted with milliseconds. Personally I think it's crazy to submit with milliseconds for anything but a PC run done with an autosplitter, so I've never included that option on any boards I had from the get-go. I've had some submissions come in, even with console runs, where people just put the milliseconds from their manually-done LiveSplit timing in that field. Now I'd love to just uncheck the little box on the Edit Game screen that says "Time in milliseconds" except there's a run on the board (WR in fact) verified before I got mod for this game where the time was verified in milliseconds. And I don't like the idea of altering something someone else verified, even if it's this minor, even if that someone is now inactive (which they are). But if I uncheck that box, will that run be effected? While it's an inconvenience for me to remove the milliseconds from submitted times, it's not a large one (since I have to retime the run anyway). Just wondering what effect it would have to uncheck that box.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

So I'm awaiting the approval of a game request for a game called Falcon Age. I submitted it only four days ago, so it might be a little while before it gets approved, that's fine, that's not what this is about. Mainly what I'm wondering is how should I account for the fact that the game can be played both in VR and traditionally (controller and TV screen). I've seldom heard about games like that and I've certainly never run one before. Do the two modes compete against each other in the same leaderboard? The categories I'm thinking of are Platinum trophy and straight any% (the latter being the run I did for the game request). Is it a variable, an entirely separate category, or might it even be handled by an entirely separate leaderboard? The only game I know of that has a VR component that's actively run is handled by a separate leaderboard (https://www.speedrun.com/shvr - although is it not in actuality an entirely separate game?).

I don't expect this game to get a whole lot of attention from speedrunners (there are protracted stretches of just running around not doing much) but I'd like to set the board up in a way that makes sense (assuming I'm the one who gets the board, but I refer you back to the first sentence of this paragraph). I don't really have any way to compare the VR and non-VR experiences at all, let alone from a speed perspective. So any ideas?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

Hello, don't know if anyone's reading this, but if they are, all four Jak games recently got patches on PS4. I don't know precisely when they dropped but I checked for outstanding patches on my PS4 titles two nights ago and all four games had them pending. The one for Precursor Legacy says "Update to Greatest Hits version" while the others simply say bug fixes. Is that the PS3 version? I understand it fixes bugs the PS2 and PS4 versions use in their runs. What about those patches that just say "bug fixes" ? Did they fix anything relevant for runs?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

So I'm reviving my marathon (get your submissions in, lel) and in the course of so doing I tried to clear the forum of all posts now irrelevant, posts that related to the 'thon from 2 years ago. I was able to delete almost everything, but this thread -> https://www.speedrun.com/fleet_fest/thread/a4xwo

can't (?) be deleted. When I try to delete the first post (my own post, mind), I get an error message:

[quote]Error Your security token is invalid. This most likely means that someone tried to trick you into doing stuff you do not want.[/quote]

Um....no? I'm just trying to delete posts from literal years ago that are now meaningless. And it's weird, because as I say I was able to do this with other threads on the forum.

Itself, this isn't a terribly urgent issue (just a little annoying), but I hope it isn't indicative of any other problems. I have not been tricked into doing stuff I don't want, I just want (and indeed do want!) to delete old, useless posts. It won't even let me delete my own post, though as moderator I should be able to delete everything.

Imaproshaman و HowDenKing تُحب هذا
Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

Is this doable? How would you go about setting it up? Within OBS I mean

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

Would this even work? Would the site allow it? How would it be categorized?

For clarity, I'm not talking about a game released for the GameBoy or PSP or 3DS or anything like that. I'm talking about something like this: https://twitter.com/emerald_aly/status/1106796419732520960

That game specifically (at least) has a definable beginning and end. You could totally capture footage with a "hand cam." I imagine there's probably more like it out there. We have a board for Oregon Trail but how would it cover something like this? Or would it just not be allowed?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago


And even more to the point, how does it already have one. It doesn't come out for another month. It is not part of a series. So how was it already accepted? Don't you have to submit a request with your own run attached? Do you not have to do that under some circumstances? Which ones? I understand it's a highly anticipated game but rule-bending disquiets me (as does the evident moratorium on submitting runs until 2 weeks after the game comes out - that shouldn't be for one person to decide a month prior to the game being released)

There are some hotly anticipated games coming out further later in the year that I want to take a active role in. Can I request them now? What exactly do you put in the "link to your run" field for a game that isn't in the wild yet?

I've heard anecdotally that this has happened with other games before so I'm hoping there's some concrete answers.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

I don't have an actual PS1, but I do have a PS2 and 3. Is either necessarily better than the other for speedrunning use? Does it depend on the model? I have Superslim PS3 and Slimline PS2.

I also mod the game in question, so if/when I do runs, should I still mark them as PS1? Or PS2/3? The game was never properly released for either of those platforms.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

(first off, I dunno if this should go in Talk, Speedrunning, or The Site, since it's kind of all three. If it roasts anyone's tomatoes to have it here, my sincere apologies)

As to the topic. I used to think the answer was a definite no, but I've had an experience that makes me question that and want to seek others' thoughts.

Small community. I'm the only active mod, with a substantially less active supermod. Only one truly active runner, but I am around, as is another previously active runner. So essentially, there's three of us.

The active runner makes a series of suggestions that I dis...to say I disagree with them is a soft sell. They're not just bad decisions, they're wrong decisions (in short: modifying game files for nonessential reasons and arbitrarily changing previously verified times).

Each step of the way, it's a 2-1 "vote" against me so I go along with it, because I've always thought that's what mods should do. (The active runner is now a mod -- and it's all but literally his board now anyway -- so I demodded myself and have no intention of returning. It's not sour grapes, it's more....this is a terrible board I really don't want anything to do with)

It is my fervently held, conscientious belief that permanent harm has been done to the board. It's sure killed my interest in a game I once loved (and again, nothing about this is personal -- if these changes were made by different people to a board for a game I ran but didn't mod I'd feel just as disgusted). And all over a series of 2-1 votes.

It'll never be something I'd do on a whim. It would take something like this where I feel like the game's very long-term viability is at stake (i.e. I feel like the game had potential to attract new runners before but not now). Is this, or anything, a basis for which a mod can overrule the community? Or is even a 2-1 majority vote sacrosanct?

I'm not just looking for people to agree with me (and to be frank, I'd love it if we could avoid comments on the specific example as much as possible). Just tell me what you think about a mod wielding authority.

Alayan المعجبون بهذا
Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

I need the commentary for this run translated

I've messaged the runner, but he has not uploaded anything to YouTube in over 3 years and I suspect he is inactive. It is very important for me to understand what he's saying throughout this run.

I can pay you for your time (not a lot, but I respect that your time is valuable). Please let me know if you can help, I want to get this done as soon as possible.

Titagames_YT المعجبون بهذا
Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

Which does, by the way, include this game as a bonus feature. I have no clue which category it would fit under (well, not the 25th anniversary category), but presumably Xbox 360, PS3, and PC need to be added as platforms. The game can absolutely (and legitimately) be played on those platforms. I'm trying to access it on my PC version of the remake (it's proving more difficult than you might expect) but at the very least I'll want to check it out on PS3 (available with no strings on that version of the game) and potentially run it.

(unless of course runs of that version would belong on the leaderboard for the remake, but that seems wrong to me)

Washington, USAEmeraldAly5 years ago

(aside - please take the % off that category name. It's dumb to put random words next to the %)

That said, sounds like it could be fun to do. Does the opponent have to be an in-game superstar or can it be a created superstar with 0 stats?

(Another fun idea for a misc. category might be to win a match against every superstar in the game, but same question - would a created superstar with maximum stats be allowed?)

Do the sliders have to be at default positions? I turned AI reversals way down in my game. Are squash matches legal to include?

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