Only PC any%?
9 years ago
United States

Any reason there arent categories for console (or what has been called the "low FPS" route), definitive edition, or 100%?


looks like not much people really care for tr2013 speedruns D;

I could really use some help with learning even after SDA wiki read.

Bretagne, France

Unfortunatly this section seems neglected. As a beginner in TR2013 speedrunning (on 360), it would help to see a real updated leaderboard and not just a top 3. I know TR is not Mario Sunshine but there are runs almost everyday, maybe this game deserves a bit more. Knowing that the console WR (1:52:58 by Brassmaster) is several months old, the actual ranking looks soooo obsolete. If any mods read this, please help.


This is kinda the problem of TR community. They only care about classics TR games. I think, some active TR2013 speedrunners should be named as mod, so it won't be neglected like on Lcgol.

Czech Republic

SamuraiBlue: Then tell those runners to submit their runs here. We can't track every speedrun that was made. Yes, the TR community is more classics oriented, but that doesn't mean we don't care about new TR speedruns.

Most TR speedrunners go to #tombraider on That's where the TR speedrunning community lives and talks. I've never seen anyone there running TR 2013. Why is that, I have no idea.

So if anyone running this game reads this, go to irc and we can talk.

Bretagne, France

Thank you for your answers guys. You're right Ewil, speedrunslive (and SDA forum) looks more active than concerning TR2013. Even if there are regular runners here such as Vampstreak. Well, I'll tell the runners I know to submit their runs here, maybe it will help to get a decent ranking.

Czech Republic

That would be great.


You must consider having a great PC for glitched runs. There are some glitches that require high framerates, usually 120+ fps.

About Glitchless runs, it shouldn't be a problem.

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