Sonic CD Restored 4.0 R3 Released
Sonic CD Restored 4.0 R3 Released
نُشرت 1 year ago من

4.0 R3 change highlights:

  • Debug Mode retooled to be speedrunner focused. Standing still will display Xpos and Ypos as it always has, but when the player's velocity is greater than 0 it will display the player's Xvelocity, Yvelocity, and total Player Speed.
  • Restarting from the Pause Menu after selecting a stage from Stage Select will now undo the destruction of the Robot Transporter and Metal Sonic Holograms.
  • Restored executable finally available for Mac and updated for Linux
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Category Extensions leaderboard is live and CD-R 5.0 R4 released!

On Mother's Day CD-R 5.0 R4 was released with updates to the Randomizer to get it ready for the new Category Extensions leaderboard where you can submit records for CD-R Add-on mods like Ultimate Tails, the Randomizer, and the Full Audio Remaster Deluxe mod!

The Category Extension boards and now li

4 months ago
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نُشرت 1 year ago