Changing the order of Importance on a game's Leaderboards
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

Hey! I mod the for the Lost Kingdoms community, and was wondering if there was a way to set the priority of what shows up on the Leaderboards.

Since we use "time without loads" the leaders boards get really messed up on mobile.

Right now the priority is... Time Without Loads -> In-Game Time -> Real Time

What I want the priority to be is... Time Without Loads -> Real Time -> In-Game Time

Another interesting note is due to the current settings, the WRbot on Twitter also does not seem to recognize the WR, due to IGT being a lower time than the time without loads.

Any advice/answers would be greatly appreciated!


تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago
United States

As far as I recall there's not a great way to order the 3 timers in an arbitrary order right now. This is a known shortcoming. There could be workarounds users are using, I'm not sure.

PapayaJordane و 7thArmstrong تُحب هذا