Cannot post guides "admin *game_name* not found"
2 years ago

I get this error message when trying to post a guide on games I'm moderating:

"admin game_name not found"

Asked someone else and they have the same issue. Also submitted a bug report, but at the time I thought the issue happened because I changed my name.

How common is this issue? Is everyone else experiencing it?


This is a very new bug, 2 days ago it didn't happen. When you try to add a new guide to a game, for example "The Gateway", you are redirected to this URL:

To fix it, just remove the "admin//" portion, and this URL will work:

Gaming_64, Ivory و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا

That's a nice little hotfix, thanks! I didn't even think of checking the URL it links to.

Thanks for submitting a bug report, someone will review and we'll see what we can do :)

Gaming_64, grnts, و Oreo321 تُحب هذا

This should be fixed now, feel free to let us know if you are still unable to upload guides.

Gaming_64 و grnts تُحب هذا

It works now, thanks.

Gaming_64 المعجبون بهذا