Username Change Requests / Account Deletions
9 years ago
United States

Hello, could you please change my name to Pinespen? I feel it means more and is much easier to pronounce. Thanks a lot!

Actually on second thoughts don't change my name to anything!!!!! I haven't decided on a name yet.

Missouri, USA

Yo, can you change my name to "PIKMANZ"? (In all caps) Thank you.

Can you please change my account name to


thank you alot.

United States

Can you change mine to Mossy Also just to be sure, is the username login bit case-sensitive?

United States

StarEevee: There's a bug on some users preventing me from changing names due to something with themes. You're one of the lucky users. :( I poked the coders again.

Mossy: Login is case-senstive as far as I know. (Though I'd like the names and links to not be case-sensitive one of these days, it's not ideal in my opinion.)

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 years ago
Omar المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USA


Does that mean @kirkq is up for grabs? ;)

PeterAfro المعجبون بهذا

Can you change my name to YTP?

Hesse, Germany

Could I get my name changed to Nim? Thanks in advance!

United States

Can you please take out the "Official" part of my name so that it's just "GlitchDoctor"? Thank you in advance. :)

kobepilgrim المعجبون بهذا
Minnesota, USA

Can you capitalize the p in my name please?

Thank you.

Michigan, USA


Would you be so kind as to change my username to:


Thank you very much in advance :)

Oregon, USA

^ After this is done, can my name be updated to FayeLilac?

United States

I would like to change my name to MikeHunt69. This is not a joke. I repeat. This is not a joke.

OmegaFallon, Nosbile و 8 آخرون تُحب هذا

Hello, I would like to change my name to "DreamingSylvestre". Because my twitch channel name is this, and it won't confuse people.

Thank you