How Do I Submit A Game Not On This Site?
8 years ago
New York, USA

Damn another necro. How worthwhile.


!remindme 3 years to necro this lol

Pear و Walgrey تُحب هذا

Can I host someone else's game? And there is no desire to be a moderator

New York, USA

Could you explain your question, Cos?

Pear المعجبون بهذا

If you submit a game, you become moderator. If you don’t want to be a moderator, don’t request a game. Don’t submit someone else’s run when submitting a game, only submit your own. Nobody will submit a game for you, for the above reason that’s someone can’t submit someone else’s run.

I think that covers all possible interpretations of your question.

Pear و Walgrey تُحب هذا