Introducing: Surprise Speedruns!
4 years ago
Arizona, USA

Itching to learn a new speedgame? Or maybe you're new to speedrunning? In any case, Surprise Speedruns is for you! Each month a random speed game will be chosen from, and every Sunday the community will come together for races and competition. During the last Sunday of each month, there will be one big race with all of the participants, where a monetary prize will be provided to the first, second and third place winners. The prize pool will be determined by how much growth Surprise Speedrun gets, but will start off with $100 in total prizes.

    Surprise Speedruns will officially kick off in January 2020, but if you would like to test this before then, please feel free to join the Surprise Speedruns Discord server!
Carbasi_Sucks, Y2kRito و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا