Defeat Ganon Mirror Halp
7 years ago

I can't seem to find any resources on the defeat ganon category.

Everything seems straightforward from an outside perspective, but when I get the mirror the old man just walks off the screen. How do I prevent this?

I've heard andy talk about a pre-run setup or something for red coin manipulation, but I don't know if that's significant to this.


There's a weirdity with the overworld state you have before saving zelda when getting the mirror from the old man, that makes the game softlock like that.

Some people say this is due to the "arc variable" (), but what's for sure is that it's fixed by simply visiting armos (ice armos and some other bosses works too) first. This can be done before the run starts.

Here's a video showing a fast way to set this up: . You want to Save & Quit when the variable is set to 64 - this makes sure Ganon bats spawns in a consistent pattern.

This only needs to be done once per power-on.

For the red rupees, I don't quite remember, but I think you want to kill 4 enemies in a row, without taking damage, before you start the run. This ensures you'll get red rupees from pulling the painting, given you don't take any damage during the run either.

But there's a very recent development here. Instead of doing paining + basement for rupee route, you want to enter the house in Kakariko that contains 300 rupees, and mirror on the same frame you enter. This puts you into Super Bunny state, which allows the bunny to open the chest with 300 rupees - enough for the entire run. This saves at least 30-40s and was found yesterday. :)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Nakage and ChristosOwen like this

Thanks a lot pinkus! Good to know :)