Haunted Halls of Wentworth: Enemy Spawn Manipulation
1 month ago

Hey there, I made this video a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post it. I've discovered you can kind of have control over how enemies spawn, and it might have to do with some sprite overload or something like that. With this knowledge we can manipulate the game to give us free passage through some parts you have to typically wait for.

These 3 time saves in Act 2 are what brought me to my 5:04 pace, but for the current WR of 4:48 I found a few more. When I finally make a commentary video about the WR I'll include mentioning them.

Maybe someone else will find more enemy spawn manipulation, or maybe I will... who knows lol.

Anyway, here's the video! First it shows the 3 manipulations in segments, and then how it looks like if you get them all in a single run (the current 4:48 WR only got the first two, and getting the third would probably save another 1-2 seconds).

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This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.

We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre

1 year ago