Haunted Halls of Wentworth in 6:11:58
2 months ago

Hi there! Noticed there was no category for Haunted Halls of Wentworth, so of course it was just masochistic enough for me to give it a try! I noticed in the Forums that one way to submit a proposed run/category/game, was to just submit the video here. I will post a YT link at the bottom, and if anything needs to be done by me, or it mods want to retime it, please feel free to do so or let me know what I can do :)

For anyone interested: I played this game as a joke after clearing Super Castlevania IV on stream, then it started to become a thing because I couldn't beat Haunted Halls stream after stream. 17 hours of streams later and we finally cleared it, and then I thought, why not torture myself with a 1cc clear? I developed a technique for quick kills on the boss, and thought I had something good enough to submit.

Played on Bizhawk, game reset with the Start then Select method.

Thanks so much!




Congrats on completing that one. I remembering trying it out with save states back when I was running these and I gave up out of frustration. Good job. It's a stupidly punishing game.

I added a new category for this game, and submitted your run for you (also the frame count came out to a slightly better time of 6m 10s 100ms).

If there's any other Action 52 games you've completed a run for that don't currently exist on the board just let me know and I'll add them.

Cheers and congrats again.

ThatPunk_ likes this

Hey @Beardstrength! Thank you so much for approving my run!

Hah yeah this stupid game is certainly a punishing one. I knew I was in for it when sometime in day 2 of playing I started to get annoyed at it... a genuine human emotion. It was at that moment I knew I wasn't gonna stop until I beat it lol. Vengeance is a powerful motivator.

Thank you for the re-time! Now I'm sitting here wondering if a Sub 6 is possible lol.

I don't see myself going back for any other Action 52 games, but if I ever do, you'll see more of me on the boards!

I'll probably upload something at some point explaining my run, some of the tech I used, and maybe what I've begun to find out about the physics of the hanging chains. The way they coded it (from my casual observation) is so perplexing it belongs in a museum xD

Anyway, thanks again, and have a great day! :D

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New mods, retiming runs, and adding missing VODs


This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.

We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre

1 year ago