This run is dedicated to Monstermama...without whom my luck might've remained as abysmal as it was in Land's End for rest of the game! Seriously though, this run was a great showing of my late game prowess and my early game improvement...also the mid-game happened, I guess. Quite a few mistakes that I must admit were skill issues, but mostly outside of battle. In battle my RNG wasn't the greatest, but was decent enough to augment what I thought were pretty good timings and decisions. Overall I'm pretty happy with this PB, and don't foresee posting another run for a good while - not until after I've put a decent amount of hours into deliberate practice on the mini games and other outside-of-combat skill points.
I'm certainly pleased with getting a sub-2:40 (even if IceBlue is still a more-difficult-than-any-amount-of-time-to-shave-off-as-of-yet 35 seconds ahead of me), but I'm primarily happy with the commentary I made throughout the run. Yes, my overlay - splits, player cam, etc. - is still in the development stage, but I did manage to get my mic working well enough that the game volume and my voice are equally audible. I didn't set out on this run to be super entertaining or comment on everything, but I do think that by the end, I've left a good impression to viewers of the type of SMRPG fan and the type of speedrunner I am, and while being decently entertaining...I thought, anyway!
So if none of my other submissions yet, then this one would be the run I recommend you watch to get a good grasp on "who I am", so to speak, as a newcomer to the community!